geoWidgets Conversion Activities for Geocortex Workflow 5 Open Beta

geoWidgets Conversion Activities extend Geocortex Workflow 5 with client-side file conversion activities to import and export shapefiles, spreadsheets, text-delimited files, and KML/KMZ in web GIS.

geoWidgets Conversion Activities for Geocortex Workflow 5 Open Beta

We are pleased to announce our open beta to geoWidgets Conversion Activities for Geocortex Workflow 5 on the ArcGIS Marketplace. This is a beta release which may be substantially modified before it’s commercial release. This version is not fully tested and will probably have bugs. We appreciate any feedback (bugs and feature requests) that you may have on the geoWidgets Support Center. During the beta period, all support requests will be provided for free.

geoWidgets Conversion Activities extend Geocortex Workflow 5 (both SaaS and On-Premise versions) with client-side file conversion activities to allow the import and export of shapefiles, spreadsheets, text-delimited, and KML/KMZ files within web GIS applications. You must have a current subscription of Geocortex Workflow 5 to utilize this product.

geoWidgets Export Activities

geoWidgets Import Activities

  • Spreadsheet to Features – Converts a user uploaded spreadsheet (.XLS, .XLSX, and .ODS formats) to an array of Esri FeatureSets for use in web GIS applications.
  • Text Delimited to Features – Converts a user uploaded text-delimited file (.CSV, .TXT, .ODS formats) to an Esri FeatureSet for use in web GIS applications.
  • KML to Features – Coming soon…
  • Shapefile to Features – Coming soon…

To get geoWidgets Conversion Activities

Additional Resources

Picture of Tom Neer

Tom Neer

Tom is a Cartographer and Principal at Digital Data Services. He empowers business decisions through understanding and communicating spatial relationships, whether with a pen or code.