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FeatureSet to Spreadsheet


Features to Spreadsheet converts an array of Esri FeatureSets into an Excel/Open Office Blob object.

Offline Support

Supported. Please contact us directly to license for offline support and installation instructions.

Example Workflow and Output Files

To open the sample workflow in Workflow Designer:

    • In Workflow Designer, click File in the sidebar
    • Click Open by URL and paste in the following url:
    • To Save, click File in the Workflow Designer sidebar, and click Save.

Known Issues

Error: WF: activity error
Message: featureWsName is not defined

This error is potentially improperly reporting an issue. We see this error occur when users are merging or creating ESRI FeatureSets on-the-fly in Geocortex Workflow. The issue stems from the current Create FeatureSet activity providing an input to assign the “Fields” node of the FeatureSet. The “Fields” node of the FeatureSet is used to assign the column names on the Workbook Sheet. If these are missing, the activity sends the above error.

Workaround: Use an Evaluate Expression activity to populate or update the Fields node of the FeatureSet before sending the FeatureSet to the Features to Spreadsheet activity:


We will be updating the Workflow with additional logic to handle FeatureSet with missing Fields node.


FeatureSet Array

Type: Object[]
Object Type: esri.FeatureSet

An array of Esri FeatureSets to convert to individual sheets within a spreadsheet workbook.

FeatureSet Name Array

Type: String[]

Array of strings that provides names for the associated Esri FeatureSet array. The string at index “0” will be used for naming the FeatureSet at index “0” etc.

Include Schema Sheets

Type: Boolean

The boolean (True/False) value that indicates whether to include Sheets for the Feature Schemas. Defaults to “False.”



Type: Object

  • success:  Type: Boolean
  • data: Type: BLOB
  • error:  Type: String

A response object that contains a success value, the file blob (on success), or an error message (on error).




The activity’s ID, which is used in other activities to access the activity’s output. The ID must be unique across the entire workflow and it’s subworkflows – two activities cannot have the same ID.

You might want to change the ID to shorten it. Shorter IDs make expressions more compact.

Display Name


The activity’s name in Workflow Designer. The display name appears at the top of the activity on the design surface. The default display name for this activity is Feature to Spreadsheet.

You might want to change the display name to a name that describes what the activity does in the context of your workflow. Description names make workflows easier to understand and maintain.



A description of what the activity does. The description appears below the activity’s display name.

Use the description to record what the activity does in the context of the workflow. Descriptions make workflows easier to understand and maintain.